The Saarbrücker Zeitung presents the Pharma Campus

August 29, 2022General

The Saarbrücker Zeitung reports on the Schiffweiler site In its edition of August 24, 2022, the Saarbrücker Zeitung reports in the business section of the Neunkirch edition on the Schiffweiler site and our three companies Europharm, 1azPharm and TempTrans: Huge pharmaceutical campus being built in Schiffweiler. In Schiffweiler, a group of companies from the pharmaceutical industry is on course for major growth. In addition to trading in medicines ... Read More

Youth fire department rehearses the emergency at Europharm

August 24, 2022General

The big annual exercise of the Schiffweiler youth fire department ... will take place on Saturday, September 10, 2022, starting at 4 p.m. on the premises of Europharm GmbH. Here, on the Nußkopf pharmaceutical campus, where 1azPharm GmbH and TempTrans GmbH are also based, the young firefighters can conduct realistic exercises on topics such as fire protection and firefighting, hazardous materials safety ... Read More

Help for Ukraine: Over 200,000 FFP2 masks donated

August 23, 2022General

215,000 FFP2 masks provided for Ukraine Europharm GmbH has provided 215,000 FFP2 masks at its site in Schiffweiler and prepared them for transport to Ukraine. The donation was handled by the association Ukraine-Saarland-Berlin e.V., Wadgassen, which organizes all relief activities in Saarland for the people in Ukraine and those who have arrived in ... Read More

New hall: Europharm builds up more capacities

10 November 2021General

New warehouse A new warehouse is currently being built on the Europharm site. This will expand our capacities and enable us to respond even faster and more flexibly to the needs of our customers. The new hall has a floor space of 3000 square metres and a height of 12 metres. A cold store with 1000 square metres of space will be integrated into it. In addition ... Read More

More service: New customer portal under construction

7 November 2021General

We will soon provide you with specialist information ... for your daily work via our new online portal After appropriate identification by your pharmacy licence, your confirmation of establishment as a doctor or other proof of your professional qualification, you will receive further insights into our products. As soon as the portal is up and running, we will inform you how to accredit yourself.

Delivery service even faster

24 June 2020General

Europharm has further improved its delivery service. If an order is received by 16.30 p.m., we will deliver the next day. Previously, the deadline was 15:00 p.m. This improvement makes it even easier for pharmacies to satisfy their own customers.

Even closer to our customers by a call center

22 June 2020General

Europharm is currently setting up a call centre that will be ready to start working for our customers in autumn. Customers will then be able to communicate more directly with Europharm's customer service.